コンスタンティン・デロさんとカット・ジェイドさんがオーストラリアの人気TV番組「9Today」に出演! On Australian TV show ‘9Today’
→ 【ザ・HSCCオーストラリアツアー】10か所の日程と場所のスケジュール&地図付き!
Arranger and producer Constantine Delo and singer Kat Jade appeared on a popular Australian TV show called “9Today”. Mr. Delo is the founder and a music producer of The Hindley Street Country Club (HSCC), while Ms. Kat Jade is the vocalist of The HSCC and has attracted many fans with her beautiful voice.
During the program, they had a fun conversation about their aspirations for live concerts across Australia, episodes of song selection, and more.
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