世界の大物ミュージシャンも称賛!オーストラリアの新聞が語るザ・HSCCの魅力とは? The Australian newspaper reveals the secrets of The HSCC.
オーストラリアのニューカッスル・ヘラルド新聞に、Scott Bevanという記者が書いた「音楽の力が世界最高のカバー・バンドを動かす」という記事が掲載されました。
Power of music fuels the world's greatest cover band
Admirers of HSCC's work have even included some of the industry's biggest names, from Mick Fleetwood and Christopher Cross, to Patty Smyth and Leo Sayer.
"I think it really just shows the power of music and these amazing songs that can instantly transport you back to a time and a place, and stir those emotions."
There are many cover bands playing gigs around the country at any one time so what is it about HSCC that sets it apart and has won it such phenomenal attention?
Con said ”HSCC's point of difference is a combination of two things - the unique arrangements of each songs and the skill of the musicians, all session players who are known among their peers as 'musicians' musicians'.
(Scott Bevan, Power of music fuels the world’s greatest cover band, NEWCASTLE HERALD, 2023/09/07)」
→ 【ザ・HSCCオーストラリアツアー】10か所の日程と場所のスケジュール&地図付き!